Saturday, March 20, 2010

More sleepless dreams

I see a spinning planter (it looks like an inverted pyramid set on a cubical base.) The planter spins faster and faster and then inverts and becomes a brown cloth wizard's hat. The hat is being worn by an old, dark skinned Dwarf with white hair. The Dwarf removes the hat and there is a smaller, rust red hat under it. This hat has a braided tassel. The tassel has a frayed end that moves closer and closer to me. The end turns black and becomes hair. The hair is the pony tail of a shrunken head. The head turns toward me. It has bright white paint markings over it's eyes and the lips are pulled far back from the teeth. It is turning to the left and it's jaw protrudes grotesquely forward. As it comes to face me I see that the upper jaw is broken away from the teeth to the eye socket on the head's right side.

And so I open my eyes...not because of the imagery (shrunken skulls with shattered jaws are VERY tame compared to what I sometimes see) but because I'm tired and the head just stopped and hung there staring at me and I didn't want to wait it out to see what was coming up next.

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