Friday, March 19, 2010

Garmin Nuvi 205 additional information

The reason for this post is that Garmin lists the nuvi 205 as not being Geocaching friendly. I just got the opportunity to use my nuvi 205 for Geocaching and it worked nicely. The only complaint I would have is that the navigation icon covers the geocache icon as you get close to it.

So here's how easy it was:

1) Grab your .loc or .gpx file from
2) Use Mapsource (free software) to load the entire loc or gpx file onto your nuvi
3) Use the Nuvi to navigate to the cache
4) Once you're close go into the menu and select Tools, Settings, System, Usage Mode and change it over to "Pedestrian"
5) Return to the main map and then change over to the 2D map view

Suddenly the unit goes into a detailed mode that gives you accuracy to within a few feet. The only problem (as I stated above) is that the "vehicle" icon is kind of big. If someone could create a "geocaching" vehicle icon (A simple cross hair with an arrow at it's extent to indicate direction of travel) it would be perfect.

Also, the Nuvi 205 has a nice feature that allows you to set multiple "via points." I set a geocache that was most distant from me as my destination and then set each geocache between me and there as via points. The nuvi will automatically work those via points into your travel plan in the most efficient order based on your route preference (faster time, shorter distance, less fuel, off road)

All in all I would say it's quite suitable for Geocaching despite what the web site says. Don't forget though that if you're going for multiple caches you'll want to switch that Usage Mode back to Automobile before heading from one cache to the next. Otherwise the unit thinks you're on foot and will keep telling you to do silly things like cross the street to the left hand side and will weave you through all sorts of side roads and places you wouldn't really want to take your car.

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