Saturday, March 6, 2010

Garmin Nuvi 205

For the most part this blog is just a ranting and raving spot for me. However, I sometimes run across a product or piece of software I really like and I figure I should share that with the one (maybe two) people who read this thing.

We just purchased our first vehicular GPS system. Because we don't travel a whole lot and don't have much money to spare we went simple and chose the Garmin Nuvi 205. I figured "GPS is GPS and I like the Garmin name." It turns out we made a fine choice and I couldn't be more pleased.

I would urge anyone who travels to get one of these units. You can always lend it to a friend or family member when they travel (just make them swear on something important that they'll remove it from the car EVERY time they leave the vehicle.)

Bottom line though is that this thing guided us through Los Angeles as if we had lived there for years. We found food, hotel, gas and shopping with absolute ease; we were redirected instantly when I couldn't fight traffic fast enough to make a turn; we took strange and unknown off ramps for puppy potty breaks with the knowledge that we would most certainly be able to rejoin the freeway; we knew when we could afford a leg stretch or meal because the ETA is constantly updated; it even encouraged us to save on gas with an "eco challenge" game that monitors your driving and rewards you with points for accelerating and decelerating smoothly, using cruise control and keeping your speed under 65.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you for your information.