Thursday, September 17, 2009

Could I be insane? Or maybe just really smart?

So I picked the kids up from school today and one of them said "Hi" so I responded "low." They were, for some reason, fascinated by this. So I explained the idea of being presented with random words or phrases and responding with the first thing that pops into your mind. I know this is an exercise used by psychologists, employers and others to gauge certain aspects of a person's psyche. The thing is...even I was kind of taken aback by some of my responses. Here are a few.

McDonalds : therapy
Skate : Day of the Rope
Basketball Hoop: Orangutan
Park : Hang glider
Quicksand : Frisbee
Marshmallow : Alien

Those are the few that remain fresh in my memory from the 10 minute long session we had in which we bounced words around as I drove. The thing is that I can explain all of them. It's just that I can't explain how I jumped from the impetus to my reactive word(s) without hitting upon the steps in between until I gave retrospective thought to it.

It seems to me that someone administering a test of this sort to me would find my answers to be rather insane. So I wonder if my having skipped several logical steps in the relational chain is a sign that my mind is still going strong and just thinks so quickly and so efficiently that it doesn't have to register all the steps in order to reach the conclusion or if it means that my mind has weakened to the point where it gets lost along it's way and instead of being able to relate the very first thought in the though chain it wanders along that chain momentarily before tripping on a link down the line and spewing forth apparently random nonsense.

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