In today's economy you have to add a little extra to get things to sell. This house comes with it's owner.
Not sure about you but when I ask a blind kid what they did at camp this summer the one thing I don't expect to hear is "I learned to fire projectile weapons"
I hope they didn't really mean it.
There appears to be a man in a coat beating his fist against a window in the background. Why? We may never know. (Update: One of the people in the picture tried to convince me this was the reflection of the camera person holding the camera up. Of course, that would have to be a VERY warped as it could not have reflected someone back to themselves if they were standing at that angle. Also, why would someone taking a picture be holding the camera off to the side of their head to do so? I think there is something going on here they don't want us to know about...)
Da da, da da, da da, da da, BatDog!